Dizhen Lyu

My Work

Focus on Responsive Web Development.

About Me

Responsive Web Development
Responsive Web Development

Responsive Web Development

Developed all my web projects with responsiveness and creativity. Launched over 20 responsive websites during my past internships and freelancing projects, including several high-profile sites, like Model Mayhem and 85C Cafe.

AngularJS Development
Mean Stack Development

Mean Stack Development

Worked on large-scale Angular application in my past two internships. With test-driven development, I wrote unit tests with Karma and end-to-end tests with Proctractor.

iOS App Development
Joshua Insanus

iOS App Development

Published an iOS app called FoodPick to help people choose restaurants to eat, utilizing Yelp API and iPhone's Gyroscope, worked with USC Digital Brand on an app called USC PhotoRun to help on campus marketing and orientation and created an iOS game with Unity 5.

Get in Touch

Contact Details

  • dizhenlu@usc.edu
  • (213) 880-8910
  • University of Southern California
    Los Angeles